To drive vehicles owned/leased by Creative Concepts for Living, an employee must be an Authorized Driver for each specific van by designated trainers.  Each vehicle will have an Authorized Driver list; if an employee’s name is not on the list for that specific vehicle then they cannot drive it.  If an employee drives a Creative Concepts for Living-owned vehicle without being an Authorized Driver, then that employee will not be covered by Creative Concepts for Living insurance and will be personally responsible for the vehicle and everyone in that vehicle.

Creative Concepts for Living-owned vehicles should never be used for personal use.

Each employee must complete the appropriate paperwork before the employee leaves with a vehicle owned by Creative Concepts for Living and when the employee returns with that vehicle.

The employee must immediately report any documentation omissions to the supervisor. The employee must notify on-call supervisor for any safety issues that need to be addressed before that vehicle should be driven again. All accidents and incidents must be reported to the supervisor on call.  The police must be called if another person or vehicle is involved, or if the employee believes that someone may be injured. Employees are required to wear seat belts at all times when driving their own car or any agency-owned cars for Creative Concepts for Living.  When transporting client’s employees cannot use cell phones, smoke or eat while driving.