Regular, punctual attendance is an implied term of every employee’s contract of employments. It is expected that each employee takes responsibility for achieving and maintaining good attendance. Due to the specialized nature of our 24 hour services, Creative Concepts for Living does not tolerate excessive unapproved absences from work or excessive tardiness, except as otherwise provided by law.  Time off from work is either Scheduled or Unscheduled.  Any employee who does not work scheduled hours and has PLT available will be paid their PLT for the hours missed in any given week.


  1. Scheduled Time Off: Request for time off submitted and approved in advance. (See Scheduled Time Off policy)
  2. Unscheduled Time Off or Absence: Any time that personnel do not report to work as scheduled, with less than one week’s advance notice. This includes shift work, staff meetings, trainings, and in-services. Any time personnel miss more than one hour of their shift, it may be counted as an absence.
  3. Tardy: When personnel do not report ready to work at the scheduled starting time. This includes shift work, staff meetings, trainings, and in-services.
  4. Early Quit: When personnel leave their shift early.
  5. Trades: When personnel trade their scheduled hours for another shift within the same week. Trades will be categorized as approved or not approved.

Excessive attendance issues will be addressed with corrective action and may result in termination.

When personnel cannot work a scheduled shift, it will be recorded as an absence unless they can arrange an approved trade to get their hours within the same week.

Excessive trades will be reviewed. If the excessive trades are impeding services, the employee may be required to choose an alternate schedule and/or receive corrective action.

All personnel who will be absent from work must speak with their immediate supervisor or supervisor designee at least four hours before the start of his/her shift.  Leaving a voice mail message, sending a text or email to the supervisor does not count as speaking to the person.  A notice of less than four hours is considered an inappropriate call off and will be subject to corrective action, with termination possible.

All staff who will be tardy or leave shift early for must speak with his/her immediate supervisor of his/her designee as soon as possible. A tardy is recorded when an employee is 15 minutes or more late for the scheduled starting time.  Three tardies will result in an absence.  An early quit is recorded when an employee leaves shift 15 minutes or more before the scheduled end time.  Three early quits will result in an absence. Any combination or early quits and tardies will count as one absence.


    1. When an employee who is scheduled to provide direct care calls off for their shift, their supervisor will ensure the shift is added to agency scheduling system.
    2. Scheduling team will review employees who are available to pick up the shift and approve according to scheduling procedure.
    3. If no employees are available to fill the shift, or if the only available employees are not approved to fill the shift based on scheduling guidelines, it is the responsibility of the Support Coordinator to fill the open shift.
    4. The attendance issue will be recorded in scheduling system. Weekly report generated and submitted to Human Resources for data entry and attendance tracking.
    5. If documentation is submitted that explains/excuses the lack of advance notice, that documentation will be reviewed and absence may be adjusted for record.

Three (3) or more consecutive day’s absence may require a signed statement from a doctor to return to work.  The statement must include the start date of illness and the date the employee may return to work.

All personnel who are not able to fill their entire scheduled shift must speak with immediate supervisor or supervisor’s designee as soon as possible.

    1. A tardy is recorded when an employee is 15 minutes or more late for the scheduled starting time.
    2. An early quit is recorded when an employee leaves their shift 15 minutes or more before the scheduled end time.
    3. Tardies and early quits will be recorded and tracked in personnel file.
    4. Any combination of three tardies and/or early quits will count as one absence.

If a supervisor determines that an employee has missed a substantial portion of their scheduled hours due to tardiness or an early quit, then the supervisor may send the employee home and give an absence, provided that the employee did not begin to work.

If an employee or volunteer fails to report to work or fails to notify immediate supervisor within 4 hours of start time regarding absence it is considered job abandonment, which may result in immediate termination. Documentation of emergency situations will be reviewed.

Creative Concepts for Living reserves the right to schedule meetings as deemed necessary.

  1. For Informational Meetings: Employees will be given a minimum of 7 days’ notice of the meeting date and time.
  2. For Emergency Meetings: Employees will be given a minimum 48 hours’ notice of the emergency meeting date and time.  To hold an emergency meeting, the supervisor requesting the meeting must submit request in writing to Administration and the request must be approved.

All employees are expected to attend scheduled meetings.

  1. If an employee cannot attend a scheduled meeting, they must notify supervisor and follow Request Off steps or receive an absence.
  2. If an employee fails to attend a scheduled mandatory meeting and fails to make other arrangements with their supervisor, they will receive an absence.
  3. An employee may not be able to return to work until they have met with their supervisor to obtain the necessary information after missing a meeting.

The nature of Creative Concepts for Living’s business will on occasion require that personnel attend meetings and conferences outside of schedule.  When such sessions occur during normal working hours or extend beyond normal working hours, no special provisions are made.