Non-Exempt Employees are those covered by the FLSA Non-exempt employees are eligible for overtime pay for authorized work beyond forty hours in a given workweek.

  • This pay is calculated at the rate of 1.5 times each individual’s appropriate hourly rate.
  • The workweek runs from Sunday to Saturday.

In order to provide protective oversight, there may be times, due to relief issues, that it would be mandatory for employees to work beyond his/her normal work schedule.

  • No employee may leave shift without being properly relieved by another employee.

Exempt Employees are those whose work is at least 80 percent executive, administrative, or professional. In accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), such employees are not required to be paid overtime for working beyond 40 hours in a given week.  Salaried employees are not eligible for overtime pay.  The standard workweek represents the minimum number of hours they are expected to work.

Overtime work must be authorized in advance by the appropriate supervisor and/or the Executive Director.

  • Failure to do so will result in corrective action, up to and including termination.

All employees are required to keep accurate records of the time they work, on the records provided.

Direct care staff may be exempt from wage and hour rules and regulations regarding overtime and minimum pay due to a federal exemption called the “Companionship Exemption” the FLSA U.S. Department of Labor regulations.