Employees and former employees that engage in media relations, including social networking sites, whether outside of work or authorized by Creative Concepts for Living, may not post any material or information on any blog or site, regardless of whether it is accessible by the public or requires a password that:

  • Intentionally or inadvertently discloses any confidential business information of Creative Concepts for Living.
  • Violates HIPAA by disclosing protected health information about Creative Concepts for Living clients (this includes but is not limited to posting photos and/or video that include clients on social media sites (regardless of media release), using clients’ names, and/or discussing situations involving clients online, etc)
  • Display false or misleading information that violates any other opinions or conclusions of Creative Concepts for Living or any of its employees, consumers, or affiliated business entities.
  • Violates the privacy rights of another Creative Concepts for Living employee.
  • Violates any law, such as laws that prohibit defamation, harassment, discrimination, and retaliation.
  • Violates the Creative Concepts for Living Code of Ethics.

Employees may not use Creative Concepts for Living names to endorse or promote any product, service, opinion, cause, or political candidate.  Employees are furthermore prohibited from using media and/or social networking sites to recommend or provide reference for any existing or former employee.

If an employee is contacted by a representative of the media (social networking site, a reporter, blogger, advertiser, photographer, etc.) about Creative Concepts for Living, the employee must contact his/her supervisor immediately and refrain from contact with the media representative.  Employees are not authorized to speak on behalf of Creative Concepts for Living.  Employee must refer the representative to the Executive Director and may give them the agency phone number or web site where they may contact the Executive Director.

Employees are personally responsible for any postings they make identify Creative Concepts for Living, and can be held personally liable for any statements deemed to be slanderous, defamatory, obscene, threatening, harassing, discriminating, retaliatory, violate privacy rights, or include confidential or copyrighted information (e.g., videos, or text that belongs to someone else).

A violation of this policy can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination, as well as legal action against an employee for damages and injunctive relief.  This includes a violation of Creative Concepts for Living internet, computer, email usage, and confidentiality policies, as well as its harassment and equal employment opportunity policies.